Facebook application development

The world’s largest social network. Over a billion users. Around 550 million of them using apps. Is your app one of them?

Facebook and Facebook’s app ecosystem does not need any introduction.

Companies and brands whose target market falls in the typical Facebook user demographic have stuck gold with well designed Facebook apps. Beyond likes and shares, Facebook apps can help you get more engaged users, increased traffic to your own website and spikes in revenue.

But designing Facebook apps is not the same as designing a mobile app or a site. There are a number of factors in play here. You have to

  • Be sure you are not violating Facebook’s ever changing legal and policy positions
  • Adopt to Facebook’s unpredictable changes in user interface
  • Figure out a business model that does not run afoul of Facebook’s goals
  • Adjust to the continuous tweaks to EdgeRank, Facebook’s algorithm which determines which posts and apps are seen on the News Feed
  • ake advantage of new features like Open Graph.

Developing Facebook apps with UT Software Solutions

UT Software Solutions has developed a slew of Facebook apps for clients ever since Facebook opened up its platform to developers. We have designed a wide range of apps in niches like

  • Productivity
  • Entertainment
  • Business
  • Networking
  • Lifestyle
  • Marketing

We will guide you through the entire process of Facebook app development from planning, development, getting your apps hosted and keeping them updated.

Get ahead of the competition with a killer Facebook app.

“If your customers are active on Facebook a well designed Facebook app can get them interested in you.”